172 research outputs found

    Control vector parameterization with sensitivity based refinement applied to baking optimization

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    In bakery production, product quality attributes as crispness, brownness, crumb and water content are developed by the transformations that occur during baking and which are initiated by heating. A quality driven procedure requires process optimization to improve bakery production and to find operational procedures for new products. Control vector parameterization (CVP) is an effective method for the optimization procedure. However, for accurate optimization with a large number of parameters CVP optimization takes a long computation time. In this work, an improved method for direct dynamic optimization using CVP is presented. The method uses a sensitivity based step size refinement for the selection of control input parameters. The optimization starts with a coarse discretization level for the control input in time. In successive iterations the step size was refined for the parameters for which the performance index has a sensitivity value above a threshold value.With this selection, optimization is continued for a selected group of input parameters while the other nonsensitive parameters (below threshold) are kept constant. Increasing the threshold value lowers the computation time, however the obtained performance index becomes less. A threshold value in the range of 10–20% of the mean sensitivity satisfies well. The method gives a better solution for a lower computation effort than single run optimization with a large number of parameters or refinement procedures without selection

    Darcian permeability constant as indicator for shear stresses in regular scaffold systems for tissue engineering

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    The shear stresses in printed scaffold systems for tissue engineering depend on the flow properties and void volume in the scaffold. In this work, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is used to simulate flow fields within porous scaffolds used for cell growth. From these models the shear stresses acting on the scaffold fibres are calculated. The results led to the conclusion that the Darcian (k 1) permeability constant is a good predictor for the shear stresses in scaffold systems for tissue engineering. This permeability constant is easy to calculate from the distance between and thickness of the fibres used in a 3D printed scaffold. As a consequence computational effort and specialists for CFD can be circumvented by using this permeability constant to predict the shear stresses. If the permeability constant is below a critical value, cell growth within the specific scaffold design may cause a significant increase in shear stress. Such a design should therefore be avoided when the shear stress experienced by the cells should remain in the same order of magnitud

    Low Temperature Drying With Air Dehumidified by Zeolite for Food Products: Energy Efficiency Aspect Analysis

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    Developments in low temperature drying of food products are still an interesting issue; especially with respect to the energy efficiency. This research studies the energy efficiency that can be achieved by a dryer using air which is dehumidified by zeolite. Experimental results are fitted to a dynamic model to find important variables for the drying operation. The results show that ambient air temperature as well as the ratio between air flow for drying and air flow for regeneration, affect the energy efficiency significantly. Relative humidity of used air, and shift time have a minor effect on the dryer performance. From the total work, it can be noted that the dryer efficiency operated at 50-60°C achieves 75 percent, which is attractive for drying of food products

    Coupled Adsorption-Dryer Exchange

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    Voorafgaand aan dit project is in onderzoek door Wageningen Universiteit en Research Centrum het concept van meer-traps adsorptiedrogen met zeoliet ontwikkeld. Lucht nodig voor drogen wordt ontvochtigd met zeoliet, en lucht die een droger verlaat wordt na ontvochtiging met zeoliet opnieuw gebruikt voor drogen in een volgende droogstap. Door warmteterugwinning gebaseerd op procesintegratie kan bij meer-traps drogen energie op zeer efficiënte wijze worden hergebruikt. Op basis van berekeningen was voorspeld dat de energie efficiëntie bij drogen verbeterd kan worden van 55-65% voor conventionele droogtechnologie tot 85-90% in een meer-traps droger en in speciale gevallen zelfs tot 120%. Het doel van dit NEO-project betrof de validatie van het concept van meer-traps drogen door middel van experimenten en modelberekeningen die gebaseerd zijn op experimentele resultaten. Voor het onderzoek is door Ebbens Engineering Ingenieursbureau eerst een experimentele een-traps installatie en vervolgens een twee-traps drooginstallatie ontwikkeld. Door een PhDstudent van Wageningen Universiteit zijn diverse experimenten aan deze installaties in de laboratoria van WUR A&F uitgevoerd. Daarnaast zijn door dezelfde PhD-student diverse berekeningen uitgevoerd om inzicht te krijgen in het effect van de operationele condities op de energie efficiëntie en om het ontwerp te verbeteren. Het onderzoek toont op basis van de experimentele resultaten zonder meer aan dat met een meer-traps systeem de voorspelde energiebesparingen kunnen worden behaald. Verder blijkt dat door een goede keuze van de operationele condities in een twee-traps installatie een energie efficiëntie van 85% haalbaar is. Voor een conventionele droger is onder vergelijkbare condities de energie efficiëntie 52%. Deze stap in energie efficiëntie verbetering kan voortgezet worden naar het drogen in meerdere trappen waarbij een 30-50% lager energieverbruik kan worden gerealiseerd. De energiebesparingen die met een meer-traps adsorptiedroger met zeoliet in de voedingsen genotmiddelenindustrie behaald kunnen worden liggen in de range 2.4-4×1015J en de reductie van de CO2-uitstoot is 4-6% van de gehele sector. Het onderzoek heeft tot promotie aan Wageningen Universiteit geleid, diverse gepubliceerde artikelen, en is gepresenteerd op verschillende congressen. Contacten met potentiële gebruikers van de technologie verlopen positief en er is serieuze belangstelling. Door het onderzoeksteam is daarom een stappenplan naar de toepassing geformuleerd

    Scaling-up vaccine production: implementation aspects of a biomass growth observer and controller

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    Abstract This study considers two aspects of the implementation of a biomass growth observer and specific growth rate controller in scale-up from small- to pilot-scale bioreactors towards a feasible bulk production process for whole-cell vaccine against whooping cough. The first is the calculation of the oxygen uptake rate, the starting point for online monitoring and control of biomass growth, taking into account the dynamics in the gas-phase. Mixing effects and delays are caused by amongst others the headspace and tubing to the analyzer. These gas phase dynamics are modelled using knowledge of the system in order to reconstruct oxygen consumption. The second aspect is to evaluate performance of the monitoring and control system with the required modifications of the oxygen consumption calculation on pilot-scale. In pilot-scale fed-batch cultivation good monitoring and control performance is obtained enabling a doubled concentration of bulk vaccine compared to standard batch productio

    Toward optimal control of flat plate photobioreactors: the greenhouse analogy?

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    Abstract: The cultivation of algae in photo-bioreactors shows similarities to crop cultivation in greenhouses, especially when the reactors are driven by sun light. Advanced methodologies for dynamic optimization and optimal control for greenhouses are known from earlier research. The aim here is to extend these methodologies to microalgae cultivated in a flat plate photo-bioreactor. A one-state space model for the algal biomass in the reactor is presented. The growth rate vs. light curve is parameterized on the basis of experimental evidence. Spatial distribution of light and growth rate between the plates is also considered. The control variable is the dilution rate. Dynamic optimal control trajectories are presented for various choices of goal function and external solar irradiation trajectories over a horizon of 3 days. It was found that the algae present in the reactor at final time represent a value for the future. Numerical and theoretical results suggest that the control is bang-(singular-)bang, with a strong dependence on the weather. The optimal biomass also depends on the available light, and achieving it to reach a new optimal steady cycle after a prolonged change in weather may take several days. A preliminary theoretical analysis suggests a control law that maximizes the effective growth rate. The analysis shows that like in the greenhouse case, the co-state of the algal biomass plays a pivot role in developing on-line controllers

    Modeling of the Equilibrium Moisture Content (EMC) of Tarragon (Artemisia Dracunculus L.)

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    The equilibrium moisture content of tarragon, Artemisia dracunculus L. (stem and leaf separately) was determined by using the saturated salt solutions method at three temperatures (25, 50 and 70°C) within a range of 5 to 90% relative humidity. Both adsorption and desorption methods were used for stem and leaf of two varieties: Russian and French tarragon. Experimental curves of moisture sorption isotherms were fitted by modified Henderson, modified Halsey, modified Oswin, modified Chung-Pfost and GAB equations and evaluated by residual sum squares, standard error of estimate and mean relative deviation. The modified Halsey and GAB equations were found to be the most suitable for describing the relationship among equilibrium moisture content, relative humidity and temperature. There was no significant difference between the equilibrium moisture content of the Russian and French tarragon

    Reducing energy consumption in food drying: opportunities in desiccant adsorption and other dehumidification strategies

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    This work assesses the energy efficiency of dehumidification drying vis-à-vis conventional convective drying techniques. Mathematical models are developed by means of which the energy efficiencies of different dehumidification dryer types are expressed in terms of that of a conventional convective dryer operating at the same temperature. This permits the isolation of important design and operational parameters specific to each dryer type which when optimized, improve energy efficiency for the same product quality requirement and ensure better product quality for the same efficiency as a conventional dryer. Desiccant dehumidification systems have the advantage of providing further opportunities for beneficial heat integration

    Investigation on the influence of pre-treatments on drying behaviour of broccoli by MRI experiments

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    Abstract: Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) allows the monitoring of internal moisture content of food products during drying non-destructively. In an experimental set-up with continuous and controlled hot air supply, the internal moisture distribution of broccoli with different pre-treatments are measured during drying. Moisture distribution, drying rate and shrinkage are compared and analyzed quantitatively. MRI results indicated that for fresh broccoli stalks the moisture content in the core of the sample increased after some hours of drying. With pre-treatments as peeling, blanching or freezing the moisture transport barrier in the skin of the broccoli sample was reduced. Shrinkage was uniform for most of the pre-treated samples and the moisture increment in the core did not occur. It was also found that with these pre-treatments progress of drying enhanced significantly. Therefore, from an drying efficiency and economic point of view, pre-treatments prior to drying offer important opportunities. Keywords: MRI, hot air drying, broccoli stalk, increased moisture content, pre-treatment

    Moisture distribution in broccoli: measurements by MRI hot air drying experiments

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    The internal moisture distribution that arise in food products during drying, is a key factor for the retention of quality attributes. To reveal the course of moisture content in a product, internal moisture profiles in broccoli florets are measured by MRI imaging during drying experiments with controlled air flow and temperature. The 3D images concern a matrix size of 64×64×64 elements. Signal intensity is converted to product moisture content with a linear relationship, while taking a minimum detectable moisture content of 0.3 kg water/ kg dry matter into account. Moisture content as a function of time is presented for a 2D cross sectional area in the middle of a broccoli sample. The average moisture contents for the cross sectional area obtained from the MRI imaging are compared with spatial model simulations for the moisture distribution. In that model the effective diffusion coefficient is based on the Free Volume Theory. This theory has the advantage that the changed mobility of water in the product during drying is taken into account and the theory also predicts the moisture transport in the porous broccoli floret. Key parameters for the Free Volume Theory are estimated by fitting to the experimental MRI results and the effective diffusion coefficient is given as a function of the product water content